Tired, too tired. That is the only thing that I could say about myself now. Really sometimes I wonder who is the mother and who is the daughter? Sometimes I wonder am I a full time housewife? 

This is because I really feel that way. Once I got home the first thing I do is to cook. The last thing I do is to ensure that the kitchen is clean. Most of the time I will be doing it all alone without anyone's help. How irritating can that be. 

When I ask my sister, Nabilah for help she will start to blabber and do it with anger and frustrations. 

Sometimes my other sis, Nabihah (Nabilah's elder twin) will help. Only she understand what I feel. And a place for me to vent my anger on. 

My mum won't even bother about it. She only know how to scold and shout around the house. That's it. 

Really I feeling really tired with all this but on a positive note, I take this as a training before embarking on the next phase of life. What else, marriage.


Movie Review 2


Superb movie that makes you forget about time. Literally. I was watching this movie with my friend, Nithaa and we totally didn't realise that we have been sitting in the cinema for at least close to 2 hours.

I kind of like a particular phrase from the movie that is "Hope is stronger than fear".  How you trust one another and try to survive.

It also portrays that trust is not easily gain by words but by actions. And to stay together as a team means looking for each other backs.


Book Review 6


Interesting story.

Love at first sight. How sweet. Love as always has surprises up its sleeve. It comes unknowingly and if she is meant for you (dah jodoh) you will still end up with her in the slightest surprise.

But being patient sebab memang dah sayang is awesome. Someone can be the most patient person ever sebab dah sayang.  Walau marah macam mana pun bila dah tengok muka dia terus cair.

Love an amazing thing ever.


ISLP Cambodia 2013


Kenun I miss u...



Super frustrated with the team that I am working with. 

Eventually today is Sales Management class where we have to wear formal to class. Its kind of awkward but use to it as I am always wearing semi formal to school. 

That wasn't the issue. 

So since we have to present in front of 3 classes, my Faci decided to combine the 5 teams to 3 teams. 

This is when the problem comes. The group that the Faci combines with is all malay and they are so irritating.

I hate it when the team is distracted and out of focus. In order to get one thing done, they will take a 360 degrees turn before getting back to the point that we are discussing about. 

The other thing is that they are so irritating as they keep shooting down my team suggestions. Most of the suggestions fall onto deaf ears. The more ideas we brought up the more they will try to deny it.

I gave up and just keep quiet. But I believe that by doing so I am a disadvantage. So I began more aggressive in trying to bring my point across.

Then came the the presentation. I and my friend was on stage, just the 2 if us when the Faci decided to shoot the questions at us. My whole team just like us die on the stage. I have to seek help only then they approach me on the stage. 

The Faci also shoot questions that is a killer. It kills you instantly. 

Haiz what a day. 


Lesson From Class


Lesson 1: Air (Water)
  • 3 jenis air - Mutlak, mustakmal, muthanajis
  1. Mutlak - air yang suci lagi menyucikan
  2. Mustakmal - air yang telah digunakan dan tak boleh digunakan untuk bersuci. E.g. Air yang ditadah selepas mangambil wudhu.
  3. Muthanajis - air yang bercampur dengan najis

  • 7 jenis air mutlak (melebihi 2 kolah, 230litres)
  1. Air perigi
  2. Air sungai
  3. Air mata air (Ground water) e.g. Air zam zam
  4. Air hujan
  5. Air embun
  6. Air laut
  7. Air salji

Jangan campur pakaian dalam dengan baju yang lain.
Asingkan kemudian direndam. Then, dibilas dan diberus.

Kalau tak ada air untuk beristinjak tapi ada tisu boleh digunakan.
Gunakan dalam bilangan ganjil. 
Lap dengan tisu kering dulu (2 kali), last gunakan tisu basah (3 kali).
Lesson 2: Rukun Wudhu

  1. Niat (Sahaja aku mengangkat hadas kecil kerana Allah ta' ala) Jatuh kan niat bila air sampai ke muka
  2. Membasuh muka
  3. Membasuh dua tangan sampai ke siku
  4. Menyapu sebahagian daripada kepala dengan air
  5. Membasuh dua kaki sampai kedua buku lali
  6. Tertib

Point 1 and 6 - Dari Al-Quran
Point 2 - 5 - Dari hadith Muhammad SAW

Kalau ada wudhu tapi nak angkat lagi dan belum batal niat kan "Sahaja aku memperbaharui wudhu kerana Allah ta'ala".
That's all folks.




Every class has its benefits and shortcomings. I believe in this strongly. I don't know whats wrong with my mother, she keep sending us to FREE religious classes. 

So today is not an exception. This class is to learn the basic of Islam. She got to know about the class through Facebook. Facebook really contains a lot of things. 

She sent us for the class. Of course, I am lazy to go. Its a Saturday and you want me to go to this class. Its after Maghrib and we have to solat jemaah at the place. One advantage of this class is that is near. Somewhere in Joo Chiat. This class is the same class Hady Mirza attended. 

The amazing thing about this place is that it is similar to a Surau. The space is really big. But the office is really small. 

So after Maghrib prayers, the class begin. 

The moment the Ustaz speaks my ear just feel like exploding. Wanna know why? Cause he is shouting to the mic. He is speaking super loud. Any he keep shouting to the mic if he wants to emphasise things. Really I felt like I am going deaf when this class ends.

That the next thing that happen is that he single out the kids that is 12 years and below. He ask all this kid to stand up and to sit on the stage. I really pity the kids as the are clearly frighten by that. As it is only the 2nd class, he wants to identify the kids out so that they can focus and understand the class better. As the class is more for teenagers, he will create a different class for the kids. 

So then the class resumes. The 2 lesson for that day was about water and rukun solat.  (Next entry)

The other thing that I don't like about the Ustaz is that he is too strict and his jokes are really rough.

I bet the kids were traumatised by the Ustaz. He is rather old and was not able to connect with the teenagers. 

He likes to repeat the same thing over and over again. He treats us like kids that doesn't know a thing.  He also focuses on the boys more rather than the girls. When he make a reference or examples, he will use the boys.

Its only my first lesson and its too early to come to a conclusion. I just hope next week is better. And more interactive, less harsh.

Dari Ibnu Abbas r.a berkata Rasulullah S.A.W bersabda: "Barangsiapa yang berpuasa pada hari Aasyura (10 Muharram) maka Allah S.W.T akan memberi kepadanya pahala 10,000 malaikat dan sesiapa yang berpuasa pada hari Aasyura (10 Muharram) maka akan diberi pahala 10,000 orang berhaji dan berumrah, dan 10,000 pahala orang mati syahid, dan barang siapa yang mengusap kepala anak-anak yatim pada hari tersebut maka Allah S.W.T akan menaikkan dengan setiap rambut satu darjat. Dan sesiapa yang memberi makan kepada orang yang berbuka puasa pada orang mukmin pada hari Aasyura, maka seolah-olah dia memberi makan pada seluruh ummat Rasulullah S.A.W yang berbuka puasa dan mengenyangkan perut mereka".

Lalu para sahabat bertanya Rasulullah S.A.W: "Ya Rasulullah S.A.W, adakah Allah telah melebihkan hari Aasyura daripada hari-hari lain?". Maka berkata Rasulullah S.A.W: "Ya, memang benar, Allah Taala menjadikan langit dan bumi pada hari Aasyura, menjadikan laut pada hari Aasyura, menjadikan bukit-bukit pada hari Aasyura, menjadikan Nabi Adam dan juga Hawa pada hari Aasyura, lahirnya Nabi Ibrahim juga pada hari Aasyura, dan Allah S.W.T menyelamatkan Nabi Ibrahim dari api juga pada hari Aasyura, Allah S.W.T menenggelamkan Fir'aun pada hari Aasyura, menyembuhkan penyakit Nabi Ayyub a.s pada hari Aasyura, Allah S.W.T menerima taubat Nabi Adam pada hari Aasyura, Allah S.W.T mengampunkan dosa Nabi Daud pada hari Aasyura, Allah S.W.T mengembalikan kerajaan Nabi Sulaiman juga pada hari Aasyura, dan akan terjadi hari kiamat itu juga pada hari Aasyura!".



Movie Review 1


Movie Link

The best Islamic movie that I ever watch.

This is one of the movie that me and my sisters will repeatedly watch over and over again during our childhood times. 

It is truly an amazing movie. Of course when I was way younger the story seem nice and not that meaningful but after so long and finally able to find the movie and watching it again was truly the best thing that could happen. 

The story is really meaningful with a lot of lessons. 

It teaches me to always be thankful and redha dengan segala ujian Allah. 

Never to sigh over the obstacles and test that Allah has brought upon us. 

It also taught me the value of friendship. To love in the name of Allah. 

Ikhlaskan diri hanya kerana Allah. 

Raihan, my favourite Nasyid group

Book Review 5


Best friends can fall in love. Platonic love. 

It rather interesting when it happen. 

When a boy and girl became best friends, it kind of dificult to not fall in love. Most cases happen when each other felt that they can leave without each other. Then only they realised that the best friends are no longer best friends but a pair of lover.

It happen without each other realising it happen. When third party is involved then they will realised that the actually are feeling jealous. 

That is when love is in the air. 

It need someone to tell them that they actually has cross the line of best friends into the lover zone cause the pair of best friend wont realised that fact. 

Interesting as it sounds but complicated as each other will have conflicts and misunderstanding the feelings within them. 
